4 Ways the Metaverse and Web3 Will Transform Music; AI-generated Drake Song up for Grammy Nomination
#43 | Your Weekly Dose of AI Music News
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As AI Takes Hold in the Music Business, Make Sure Your Messaging is Clear
The music industry certainly finds itself at a pivotal crossroads where music companies will be forced to share their viewpoints on AI with various stakeholders throughout the industry — from artists and songwriters to investors, tech companies, and consumers — all poised to feel AI’s impact. If you are a music company involved in the ever-evolving AI conversation, here are some things to keep in mind while shaping your communications strategy.
A.I.-Generated Song That Mimics Drake & The Weeknd Submitted for Grammy Consideration
Ghostwriter, the person behind "Heart on My Sleeve," also released a new A.I.-generated track that sounds like Travis Scott and 21 Savage.
Could AI Ever Master Jazz Music?
In a new Mind Matters podcast, host Robert J. Marks sat down with James Hirsen, who performed as a musician for many years, to talk AI, deep fakes, and the possibility of artificially contrived music.
4 Ways The Metaverse And Web3 Will Transform Music
In this future internet, web3, and metaverse technologies will transform how we engage with our favorite artists, musicians and sports stars. It'll give us more immersive gaming and entertainment experiences and new ways of consuming art. It will alter creative industries forever.
"Vocal deepfakes are here to stay": AI voice cloning is about to change pop music forever. Here's why
After the AI-generated 'fake Drake' track shook the music industry, the major labels are planning to legitimize AI vocal cloning with big-name artists. Where could it lead?
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If you have a question, idea, request, or simply a desire to chat about AI Music, please email me at jeff.aimusicnews@gmail.com.