AI is an ‘iPhone Moment’ For Music Biz; Microsoft Developing an AI Rap Generator; Motown Launching a Venue in Second Life
#19 | Your Weekly Dose of AI Music News
🤖 Extr(AI)mportant
⚙️ Cool Tools
Web3 can help artists and companies manage music metadata: B2B music exec
Artists are using Adobe Photoshop’s new AI Generative Fill feature to expand iconic album artwork
© Copyright/wrong
RIAA Targets 'AI Hub' Discord Users Over Copyright Infringement
AI and Copyright: Human Artistry Campaign Launches to Support Musicians
🎼 (A)Innovation
Almost three quarters of producers think that AI music generators could replace them in the future
Tuned Global partners with Revelator to integrate NFTs into music streaming platforms
Hit or Miss? AI and Brain Waves Tune into Future Hit Songs with 97% Accuracy
If art is how we express our humanity, where does AI fit in?
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